Heh heh, he said…

It’s been a while since I plugged my favorite online comic, Space Moose:
Go read Space Moose in Antlers of the Damned…and you can check out an actual Chick tract: Dark Dungeons if you haven’t seen what being parodying by the Space Moose strip.

Or Space Moose and the Time Machine

Or … well, I better stop.

Whatever happened to Beavis and Butthead anyway?

I guess we’d all better stop eating salt…

From a site talking about the evils of sucralose sweetener:

Splenda is approximately 600 times sweeter than sugar, but the sweetness is forced, not like a natural sugar the body uses for fuel, says Dr. Hull. And although corporations say Splenda is safe, they have said the same thing about aspartame, which is now linked to disease and obesity. They also claim that the chlorine atoms in Splenda are altered and therefore safe, yet it’s known that any animal that eats chlorine (especially on a regular basis) is at risk of cancer.

Emphasis mine. Common table salt, in case you forgot, is NaCl/Sodium Chloride; for that matter, the body uses chlorine atoms internally for a number of purposes, including producing stomache acid.

This is not to say that sucralose is safe or not, just that the argument this kook is presenting is, well, silly.

Papers, Please! Take action against the National ID Card

This Tuesday, the US Senate is scheduled to vote on the implementation of a national ID card system. The Real ID Act is nothing less than a Real National ID Act. The only thing left to the individual states is to decide which pretty picture they will choose to put on the card: everything else will be controlled by Washington DC bureaucrats.

Preserve the land of the FREE and the home of the brave, and our right to be anonymous. Act now at UnrealID.

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