30 Things You’d Never Think to Ask (Another silly blogmeme…)

This one from Gareth’s LJ (it’s long, sorry):

30 Things You’d Never Think to Ask

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?
Nope, nor ever arrested. Stopped in traffic a few times, usually for something boneheaded whether I got a ticket or not.

2. Do you close your eyes on roller coaster?
Usually. I’ve got a touch of acrophobia, though the sensations are fun either way.

3. When’s the last time you’ve been sledding?
I’m not sure I’ve ever been sledding. Not even using cafeteria trays, while in college.

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
Depends on with whom, but in general with the right company I’d rather not sleep alone.

5. Do you believe in ghosts?
Nope. Nor souls, nor reincarnation, nor any other sort of life after death.

6. Do you consider yourself creative?
No, and it frustrates me to no end since I’d very strongly LIKE to be.

7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife?
I have no idea, and thanks to the folks who put him on trial screwing up so badly, there’s no way anyone but OJ will ever know for sure.

8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie
Jennifer Aniston by default; I find Angelina Jolie to be one of the least sexy famous women this side of Tipper Gore. (As an aside, this same question came up in Russ Lieberman’s recent Interview in GQ

Okay. Real quick: Jennifer or Angelina?

Jennifer? Jennifer who?

Oh, come on, Senator! Jennifer or Angelina?
Jennifer who?

Aniston. [silence] Oh, God. You don’t read the tabloids, do you?
Can I have a third choice? Can I pick Sharon Stone?

…and my own thought was “put as just Jennifer or Angelina I wouldn’t have gotten the question either.” Sharon Stone would not be my pick over Jennifer Aniston, personally but then my tastes run more to Kate Winslet or Roselyn Sanchez.

Much more after the break…
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So I downloaded the Vista beta/preview…

…and tried it out on my laptop, using a spare hard drive. It installed easily, but recognized relatively little of my hardware. The performance was very poor, despite a decent system; part of that may have been the video, which despite a terribly common video card (Radeon Mobility 7500) was not recognized and was running using the standard VGA driver (VESA, probably). Neither was the internal NIC, despite being a truly ubiquitous 3Com chip (3c920, compatible with the 3c905). The XP driver for the video card would not install; fortunately the NIC driver did.

I am highly undecided on the new UI elements, a lot of which seemed too great a departure from existing Windows UI – I mean, if I have to learn something entirely new, I’m going to just bite the bullet and start using Linux full time and just boot to Windows for video games, and it’s bordering on that big of a change. We’ll see how it looks in final release.

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