Good old Yankee ingenuity…

A site for bidding on coding projects can’t be that bad, can it?

Yes, it can, if the coding projects are for classes, as pointed out in an email sent out to my former research group at UCSC.

I can’t decide if this is ingenious of the students in question, or a sign that the end is nigh.

(Link sent out in an email from Darrell Long)

From the Onion, last May:

In case you missed it then, just like I did: Fed-UP Cheney Enters Presidential Race Himself

WASHINGTON, DC—As President Bush’s public-approval ratings hit an all-time low, Vice-President Dick Cheney announced Monday that he has been “forced” to throw his hat into the ring for the 2004 presidential race.

“Enough is enough,'” the visibly annoyed Cheney said at a morning press conference. “George blew the whole Iraqi prison-abuse speech, and he barely did better with his Nicholas Berg reaction. Now he’s below 50 percent in the polls. I’m sorry, but I can’t allow him to drag me down with him in November.”

“Do I have to do everything around here?” Cheney asked, pausing to gesture angrily around the White House. “I guess I do.”

(Found via Daily KOS)